AA Global Printing Inc.


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3 Ways Your Business Can Become More Sustainable


The effects of global warming have been prevalent for decades, and in the last few years, the idea of sustainability has come to the forefront of many businesses and corporations’ attention. If you really take a step back to think about the environmental effects of your business’s daily operations, you’d likely be surprised at your carbon footprint. From the paper used for marketing purposes to the packaging materials used for your products, the energy used to power your building, transmissions released during transportation of your product’s goods, and beyond, there’s a lot to consider. There are many small actions your business can take in an effort to become more environmentally friendly. In honor of Earth Day, on April 22, 2021, we wanted to share 3 simple ways that your business can make a difference and become more sustainable. 

Energy Efficiency

One of the biggest pollutants that businesses contribute to is wasted energy. When possible, consider using alternative energy sources such as solar, wind, or water power. Using these energy sources helps to avoid releasing toxins into the air. You might also consider switching old appliances to energy-efficient ones. When choosing new appliances, compare what the environmental benefits are before making a decision. Products that offer low energy usage and have energy star ratings to show their efficiency will likely be your best choice. 

Consider Transportation

One good thing that has emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic, is the increase in businesses allowing employees to work remotely. In the technology-based world that we live in, so much of what we do is done from computers, which allows many of us to work from virtually anywhere. Without the need for employees to commute to work every day, this cuts down immensely on emissions released into the air. For jobs that cannot be done remotely, you could offer incentives for employees to use public transportation or carpool, by offering transportation credits for those that choose to use these methods. Additionally, encouraging employees to ride a bike or walk to work when possible is ideal. When it comes to the transportation of your products and services, it’s ideal to print or manufacture your items closest to where they are needed to avoid lengthy shipping routes. This helps to cut down on emissions released during transport. 

Eco-Friendly Printing

Think about how much paper and packaging your company uses. This may be one of the biggest ways in which you’re struggling to become more eco-friendly. While it’s not logistically possible to fully eliminate the need for printed items, you can choose to use more environmentally friendly printing services and print closest to where the items are needed. When you choose to print with AA Global Printing, you’re also reforesting. We’re part of the PrintReleaf initiative, which allows for trees to be planted with every print job produced. Learn about our commitment to the environment and eco-friendly printing here. 

Key Takeaways 

If every business just took a few of these steps, together, we could make a large impact. It’s our responsibility as a society to care of our planet. We encourage you to dig deeper into these ideas and find even more ways that your business can swap out alternative methods to become more environmentally friendly with the products and services that you offer. We challenge you to make this a mission for your company in 2021. If you’re in need of environmentally friendly printing, packaging, and global warehousing solutions, we’re happy to help! Our team at AA Global Printing takes great pride in providing eco-friendly printing solutions to be easier on the environment without compromising quality. If you’re interested in learning more, contact us today to get started! 

Aron Blume